意图al, Meaningful 经验s

Put your education to work! 实习 allow students to integrate academic theory learned in the classroom with practical application and career development in a professional setting.


Looking for information on hosting internship programs in your organization? Learn about the 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 internship pipeline and best practices.

Two students talk and laugh while working on their laptops.


探索 internship experiences

Not all internship experiences are the same. What kind of experience are you seeking?

Types of 实习 


Find an internship that's right for you

Whether it’s working for a dream company or getting hands-on with a nonprofit, find a variety of internships in 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s network.

探索 Opportunities 


应用 for and secure your internship

Application and interview processes differ from internship to internship.​​​​​​ Learn more directly from your future employer.

Application Strategies  


Enroll for academic credit


Students may earn up to six academic credits for internships that complement their academic program.

Begin 招生


探索 Internship 经验s

实习 come in all shapes and sizes, and virtually every imaginable industry and type of organization have internships to offer.

Consider what type of experience you’re seeking: Is it hands-on with a small team? A taste of the hustle of corporate life? Learning another language while you’re at it? These opportunities—and more!—await Tigers who seek them.

Schedule an appointment with an adviser or view resources in 握手.

实习 by Industry

Consider exploring internships by industry if you want to:

  • 经验 day-to-day life in a specific industry related to your interests
  • Understand more about career paths in a specific industry
  • Make industry connections with your employer
  • Network with others in a specific industry

实习 by Role

Consider exploring internships by role if you want to:

  • 经验 an industry outside of your major or minor
  • Understand more about career paths of specific job types or titles
  • Make connections with mentors who support your role
  • Network with others in various industries

Graduate 实习

赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s graduate programs have integrated internships as a part of each curriculum. Learn more on your department’s web page.



Health Care Administration


Find an Internship That's Right for You

赌博娱乐平台网址大全-sponsored Internship Programs

Arts, Letters, and Enterprise

Arts, Letters, an Enterprise (A.L.E.) connects humanities, social science, and STEM students with non-profit 组织 in the 圣安东尼奥 community and across the country.

A.L.E. 实习

MAS Alvarez Internship Grants

The Alvarez Summer Internship Grant program connects 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 students with nonprofit 组织 whose activities are related to the MAS Program and its mission.

MAS 实习

Departmental 实习

Many academic faculty have connections with businesses, 组织, and nonprofits in the local community. In some departments, internships can be woven into coursework or independent studies. 访问 academic department "student opportunities" pages for more.

Academic Departments

Community 实习

握手, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s job and internship database, houses countless opportunities available for 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 students. Use it to apply, schedule interviews and appointments, and RSVP for events.

探索 握手

Online Resources

搜索 Engines

就业 Trend Guides


应用 for and Secure Your Internship

Get ready to dive in—hands, head, and feet first! 

Once you’ve selected the internship opportunities you are interested in, begin the application process with your future program.


  • Each program, organization, and employer will have their own application process, so be sure to pay attention to the details.
  • Reach out directly to the program or recruitment officer if you have questions about the position.
  • Check with a 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 career adviser: Often they have insider info on application processes and employer preferences.
  • Successful applications may require a resume, an interview, or other screening processes. Make sure to contact CELCS if you need help polishing your resume or honing your interview skills!
  • If you do not plan to enroll for credit in Step 4, submit the Internship Reporting Form
Six trinity students who participated in the ALE 2020 summer internship

Internship Spotlight:

Arts, Letters, and Enterprise

When the nonprofit world took a big hit during the spread of COVID-19, some of 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s ALE interns increased the range of their organization’s offerings by helping them move into the digital sphere.



Enroll for Academic Credit

赌博娱乐平台网址大全 enables students to earn up to six academic credits for internships that complement their academic program. The internship is to be a structured and supervised professional work experience with an accepted employer.

Enrolling for academic credit is 可选. Talk with your academic adviser if you have questions or want to learn more.


Each credit hour requires forty hours of work on site. A three credit class breaks down to 10-12 hours of work per week during the fall and spring semesters.

Set goals about what you hope to gain from the internship in terms of career exploration, effective workplace habits, and development of industry-specific skills and general marketable skills like communication and teamwork.

反射 is the element that transforms simple experience into a learning experience. For knowledge to be discovered and internalized students must process what they are doing, how that is working out, and what they will do next time. 反射 may take place in writing or in conversation.

Students and supervisors will complete a performance evaluation for the student at the mid and end points in the semester. They will have a conversation about their evaluation responses so the student walks away with an understanding of areas for strength and areas for improvement.


1. 搜索 for and secure an internship.

2. Contact your academic adviser to discuss which course you should register for and for how many hours (students can register for up to 6 credit hours; however, most students register for 1 - 3). Each credit requires forty hours of work on site (this also includes virtual/remote work).

3. 完成 Internship Course 招生 Form.  You need to know the following information:

  • Internship course subject and number. E.g. BUSN 3X97 - “X” is the number of credit hours you are seeking. 
  • Who will be your course instructor? Talk to your academic advisor to help you identify a 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 internship instructor of record.
  • Your internship supervisor contact information.

4. Advise your internship instructor and your department chair that you have completed a registration form. They will receive a course approval form by email that needs to be completed for the Registrar’s Office to process the registration.



  • 记住...

    Credit for internships must be approved in advance.

    Begin the registration process 4-6 weeks before the internship begins. The deadline for internship registration is when the add/drop period ends.

    All for-credit internships must be accompanied by a Learning Agreement you should submit as part of the registration process.